subconscious meets conscious: May 2007
play around with the bouncicles. drag them round. make them jump. go ahead!

tagged! 10 things you don't know about me (?)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007
「 bouncing away 9:41 PM 」

Lol. I didn't know there was a tagging thing going around.... shows you how out of touch i am with the blogging community. =_=

Anyway, this is a response to Jac's tag.

Read on, people! ^^

1) Most people out there know i love to read. But, did you know i even read dictionarys? Seriously. Try it sometime, it' (I was going to say fun...but, oh well.) =P

2) I have a anti-popularity complex. No, I don't mean i dislike 'ordinary popular people' (oxymoron?), but more that i tend to go against or struggle with the normal flow. Just ask my friends, i like weird singers and weird books, not mainstream ones. Well, at least not mainstream in Malaysia. ^^

3) I have strange eating habits when it comes to ice. Ever tried ice cubes with salt? Aah, those days.... Nowadays, i don't do that anymore. However, I do relish the puzzled expressions on the ice-kacang people's faces whenever i ask for 'ais saja, dengan susu. ' *grins* Priceless.

4) I love to sing. Although i may not sing much in the presence of others, my family is often treated to renditions of my current favourite song. Sometimes, my siblings even join me for a a whimsy sort of triplet (is that what it's called? O_o). Besides that, i tend to sing or hum when i'm puzzling over something, like additional maths. During exams, songs would keep running in my head throughout, but i'd keep silent. ^^

5) I used to have quite the temper back in primary school. Hehe, one minute i'd be all quiet and composed, and the next i could be throwing books around or thinking up murderous schemes. Thank goodness i'm much better now, but some days i still tend to go off quite easily. Less dramatically, though.

6) Big old me versus little puny insects. I'd run. Insects, reptiles, and creepy crawlies are all fine and dandy if they are seen through thick, THICK glass, preferably from far, far away, but never, never, never get them near me. Mosquitoes are still ok, but beyond that, i can't stand these creatures, even butterflies. Bees and flies i especially hate.

7) Call me conventional, call me outdated; i'll pick pen and paper anyday over a keyboard and computer. For writing anyways. There's just something about traditional pen and paper that satisfies me. Seeing the words formed one by one before you, it kicks starts your brain. I often find myself staring blankly at the screen more often than writing when i attempt to create a story on the comp.

8) I'm very interested in things of the weird or mysterious. For example, tarot cards, palmistry, star signs, runes, I-ching, dream interpretations, numerology etc. Lol. I used to read extensively on these topics when i was back in primary school and secondary school. Nowadays, there's just too many other things to do. Thus, it would be quite accurate to call me a 'Jill of all trades', master of none. *sigh*

9) I'm a collector. Of what, you ask? Well, whatever interests me at the time. Currently, i would say i'm collecting experiences. ^^ That's not to say i don't collect anything concrete. I have collections of stickers, stamps, buttons, beads, books, games, anime...... the list continues. Sometimes, i have to wonder: am i just collecting junk?

10) I don't do high heels. This is just speculation, but i have a nagging suspicion i'd more likely be picking myself off the floor more often than walking in heels. Why torture myself? Heels are uncomfortable and so not my style.

Well, that's it for this tag! *stretches* I'm done!

I tag >> Sue-anne & Kimberley. ^^


Signing off, ~TJ*

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