subconscious meets conscious: August 2006
play around with the bouncicles. drag them round. make them jump. go ahead!


Tuesday, August 29, 2006
「 bouncing away 8:39 PM 」


Yep. I'm sick. Happens every once in a while. It's actually been a long time since I was last sick.

Weak. Tired. Sleepy. Cold.

At least I still have a week to recuperate before school starts.

Signing off, ~TJ*

1 bounced

nature walk

Friday, August 25, 2006
「 bouncing away 1:23 PM 」

As I was taking a walk one day
A stranger I met along the way
He tipped his hat and bobbed his head
And with a smile he said
"Have a good day"

The smell of grass was in the air
As I strolled along without a care
But then the trees grew sparse and the flowers rare
The warm sun became a heavy glare
And I found myself in the city square

The towers were tall and the skyscrapers high
As I continued along with a sigh
Down cluttered streets in the smoky air
The discomfort almost too much to bear
A sorry state to make nature cry

By and by I went full circle
Back home again to lovely people
A new appreciation for clear blue skies
Colourful flowers and butterflies
Things so sweet and simple
But oft forgotten in our lives


Signing off, ~TJ*

0 bounced

Red Box

Thursday, August 24, 2006
「 bouncing away 5:09 PM 」

On Monday, I paid my first visit to RedBox. Seriously, it was my first.

I really didn't know what to expect, but i certainly did not expect RedBox to be selling food, as in proper food, not snacks. They actually have lunch sets. All in all, RedBox reminded me of a check-in motel - one with a colourful theme.

Fun. A pretty relative and subjective word. Did i have fun? Hmm.... Honestly, I felt sleepy most of the time. It was dark and cool, and there was've got to admit it was perfect for sleeping. Lol. In my own befuddled way, i found it quite interesting. Whether it was the company, the novelty, or the atmosphere, or maybe a combination of everything, it was interesting. I really wouldn't mind going there again, but with some of my old friends next time. I'd really like to hear them sing.

Anywayz, thanx J, for the compliment.

Signing off, ~TJ*

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Friday, August 04, 2006
「 bouncing away 10:28 PM 」


Stupid braces! I can't eat! *lip quivers* I love food...... and I'm having exams now......

I need the nutrients! Bah!

Beggars can't be choosers. No matter how much I dislike porridge, I have to admit that porridge for dinner was really, really good. My teeth didn't hurt ( at least not much) and I finally got to fill up my tummy.


Actually, the braces don't really hurt in the way i expected. Most of the time it's just there, you know, a dull throbbing ache that doesn't really bother you much. But just try to eat and.....WHAM! The pain hits you hard!

Fortunately, I'm sitting for academic exams.....not food-tasting ones.....


Signing off, ~TJ*

1 bounced


Wednesday, August 02, 2006
「 bouncing away 11:09 PM 」

*cackles maniacally*

I've totally gone anime crazy lately! I have like this whole "mountain" of anime to watch!!


must control self....finals coming.....


Signing off, ~TJ*

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I'm getting them.



Signing off, ~TJ*

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