subconscious meets conscious: children.....cute?
play around with the bouncicles. drag them round. make them jump. go ahead!


Saturday, July 01, 2006
「 bouncing away 1:29 PM 」

Are children really that cute? Personally, i think children are overrated. Not that i don't want children, it's just that everyone (or mostly everyone) has this preconception that kids are soooo cute and innocent, when sometimes they can just be plain mean, little devils in angel disguises.

Take this point for example: My little cousin (i think she's three) said "When i grow up, i want to be tall and slim. Nicole (her baby sister) shall be short and fat."

"...... "

Where in the world did she come up with that? Either the world nowadays has influenced kids in a really bad way, or else ....inborn evil? Of course, when you first hear it, it all sounds pretty funny, but there is an underlying meanness to it. i wonder if we were all like that once, and have just learnt to cover up our innate meanness.

And then there are those cases of children boycotting some other kid who they think aren't "cool" enough. Cases of taunting and name-calling...etc. And we call that "just playing". Sometimes i think little kids are much more cruel than adults. While adults play war with their big guns and WMDs; kids play a psychological war, where friends are assets, and all those who don't make the cut go down, avoided like lepers.

Then again, maybe i'm just being too pessimistic. *sigh*


Kids. Cute? Perhaps.


Signing off, ~TJ*

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