subconscious meets conscious: May 2006
play around with the bouncicles. drag them round. make them jump. go ahead!


Monday, May 29, 2006
「 bouncing away 11:05 PM 」

Tomorrow...I have a test...religion. I'm pretty prepared, so no worries.

Wednesday....I'm going out...chillin' with friends. No preparation necessary either.

Now....I'm lost. Preparation unknown.

An aspiring writer which has lost her sense of direction. Too many things trying to change me, trying to influence me... What is real and what is not?

People say "the pen is mightier than the sword"....the damage it cause is so much greater, its weight in hand is so much heavier.

A friend who has lost contact. Disappeared in a fog of withdrawal. A hand offered in aid....Will it be accepted? My voice falls on her deaf ears, or maybe her mind just doesn't want to comprehend.

Death is prevalent. Can't it be more selective, more discriminative of its victims? Some people just don't deserve to die. Not yet. And there are others who bring about death which walk, breathing grim reapers in human skin.

Where am I headed? No where. Just rambles....

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Signing off, ~TJ*

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a trip to remember

Sunday, May 21, 2006
「 bouncing away 10:36 PM 」

Yay! We (my anthro group) went on our first trip today! We went to Ulu Beranang, which was YT and WT hometown. It was sooo hot, and there was hardly any shade. But the place was OK, if only for the scenery and cute animals. There is a cat at every building (seriously!), and they are all just sooooo cute! Or it could just be me....Lol. What can i say? I have a soft spot for kitties. Surprisingly, we managed to accomplish more than we planned ( normally it's always the other way around...=P) , we even met the Deputy Education Minister! Now i know what he looks like... K was damn blur...after we finished taking pics with the DEM and were starting to leave, he actually asked us who the DEM was! LOL! aiks.... We also took a detour to the main temple, actually it's the only temple, at Broga. It was huge! I liked the temple very was ...entertaining. They had this huge statue of a durian there, what does durians have to do with guan yin? And we goofed around at the very top, where there were many animal statues....(i'll post some pics next time to show what i mean.)

Overall, it was really fun. And after I got back, I was really high for some odd reason. Maybe it's all the fresh air.... I heard ZH was high too. We did more than we expected to, so it was a productive trip. Fresh air, exercise, fun, friends, work done...what more could a girl ask for? Of course, the food there was ....suffice to say that i'll bring my own food next time.

Signing off, ~TJ*

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the beginning of the end

Saturday, May 20, 2006
「 bouncing away 9:46 AM 」

What do you think is the hardest part of writing a story? For me, I would have to say it's the ending. The starting? Oh sure! I have plenty of ideas, may it be raw or well-done; but endings are a whole different ball-game. I believe the quality of a story depends a lot on the ending. However great a storyline is, if the ending doesn't connect with the reader, all the effort in front is pretty much wasted. The starting only gives the first impression, while the body content keeps the reader hooked, and the ending should be the one to tie up all loose ends satisfactorily.

The problem with endings are...there are infinite possibilities. There are good endings, bad endings, cliff-hanger endings, Hollywood endings, weird endings....the list goes on.
Just take this example:
starting- An old beggar man huddles in a quiet street corner, trying to hide from the icy chill wind.
(possible) body+ ending-
1) the old man dies of cold after thinking back on his wasted life.
2) aliens abduct the old man off the street and he lives out the rest of his life as an alien experiment.
3) Some kind soul gives him a sum of money which he uses to start a business and becomes a business tycoon.
4) His daughter/son see the error of their ways (for throwing him out) and searched the city for him. The family is reunited. Tears of joy all around.
5) He gets sucked into an alternate reality where he becomes king or slave or whatever you want.
6) he wakes up 2000 years later in the future. Apparently he froze and was used as a guinea pig for cryogenic advances.

There's more... but i think this should suffice. =P. Maybe i think too much, but now you see why endings are tough. They are all just so tempting....greedy...hehe...


Signing off, ~TJ*

2 bounced


Tuesday, May 16, 2006
「 bouncing away 7:01 PM 」

I have never felt as lonely
as when i am in a crowd
I have never felt as empty
as when i shout out loud
The world passes by
not sparing a second glance
It expects you to keep up
not giving you a chance
Everyone's caught in a rat race
running circles till the end
at a fast, demanding pace
you will crack if you don't bend
People hurry by
absorbed in what they do
not sparing time to laugh or cry
forgetting what is false or true
A second to a minute
An hour to a day
time passes so quickly
everybody wants their say
All too soon the candle's out
and you find nothing remains
not a whisper, not a footstep
remains in hearts' domain


Signing off, ~TJ*

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from Wesak Day to poems

Thursday, May 11, 2006
「 bouncing away 7:15 PM 」

Today, tonight actually, i'll be going with my family to a Wesak celebration at a temple. Not what i'd pick to do, but what the heck, i don't think anyone would throw away ten marks in religion. It will be interesting at least. Funny. I don't even know what Wesak day is about. i think it's the festival where they ''pang se'' or in mandarin ''fang seng''. The literal english translation is ''releasing life''. Oh well, guess i'll find out tonight!

I used to think i liked poems. I used to like writing poems. Hmm...actually, i still do. But taking the english literature class has made me realise one thing : i don't really understand poems at all. It's soooo frustrating! At first i might think i have it, i've finally unlocked the poems true meaning, and then with just a few cryptic words, Ms. Kalai makes me all befuddled again. Drats! Sometimes i wonder if all of us are just reading too much into a poem, what if the author just wrote it like that because it sounded cool or made the poem flow better? What makes us so sure that the poet has something more to say? Something so deep and philosophical lurking somewhere between the lines or beyond the lines? Haha! I can just imagine it.... one of the dead poets waking up some day and reading someone's thoughts on his/her poem and thinking : Gosh! I didn't know my poem had so much meaning in it!

Signing off, ~TJ*

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Wine or tea?

Monday, May 01, 2006
「 bouncing away 10:12 PM 」

A friend once asked me whether i would like my love life to be like - wine or tea? ( That is...assuming i had a love life...hehe.) Anyhow, my group of friends contemplated the question, and then we compared answers.

All of my friends went with tea, i was the only one picking wine.

According to them, tea was reliable and is comfortable, relatively calm and mellow and stable when compared with wine. It's healthy and warm, and can be a companion anywhere, anytime.

My theory was love should be like wine. Passionate and special. Flavorful and subtly intoxicating. Also, most importantly, wine's value and quality increases with time, the older it is, the more it is treasured and sought after. I'd really like my relationship to be like that.

What would your choice be? Tell me your theories too!


Signing off, ~TJ*

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